How to Use Bone Broth


How to Use Bone Broth

Homemade Broth/Stock can be used as the liquid in making soups, stews, gravies, sauces, and reductions. It can also be used to saute or roast vegetables.  pretty much use it in everything unless I run out then I use store bought organic vegetable stock.


Especially in the fall and winter, we try to drink at least 1 cup per person per day as a health boost. My favorite way is to lightly stir-fry veggies of choice (broccoli, cabbage, onion, carrots, celery…) and then add 8-16 ounces with a little salt and enjoy as a soup.

In times of illness (which doesn’t happen often) we will usually just drink bone broth until we start feeling better as it supports the body but is very easy to digest so the body’s energy can go to healing. In cases of stomach bugs or vomiting, bone broth often calms the stomach very quickly and helps shorten the duration of the illness.


If you aren’t already, make bone broth a regular part of your kitchen routine.

It’s health boosting, inexpensive and easy… you can’t afford not to!

Need a simple bone broth recipe? Go ==>HERE

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